Machine Translation (MT) explained in layman’s terms.
Machine Translation: Magic, Myth, or Just Plain Math?
Machine Translation, MT, is nothing new. Many companies deploy MT as part of their global outreach strategy. However, MT expectations and understanding can vary widely across the industry.
So we thought: “Why not put together a series of short, informational videos, explaining machine translation from its basic make-up all the way to a more in-depth look at its nuts and bolts?”
This first short and casual video may help answer some of the more basic, yet important questions, such as:
What really is MT?
How does it work?
What is an MT engine?
How do I build one?
We will follow up with several more short videos in the coming weeks, but if you have questions about machine translation right now, please contact us at 1-800-776-0857 or at [email protected] to get immediate answers!
Related Links:
Due Diligence for Machine Translation
MediaLocate Selects KantanMT for Client Workflow Innovation
Machine Translation (MT) – Do You Buy These 3 Common Myths?